Tony Scott’s directorial debut must have coincided with a buy-one-get-two-free curtain sale. This melodrama is sensuous, moody, and broiling while steeped in an early 80s post-punk, pre-pop goth aesthetic. But Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie, and Susan Sarandon resurrect such excellent performances, that the dated vampire pops out of its coffin, full of urgency, ready to enrapture moviegoers once again.

Sarah Blackstone and I snarf down Hawaiian Punch Peeps as we get lost in a two hour Bonnie Tyler music video, without the half-naked football players, but with more doves thrown at actors’ faces? If we’re lucky, we might survive the night, drive a stake through the heart of this vampire, and evade… The Hunger….

The Hunger: We All Own an Attic/Crypt of Past Lovers, Right?

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