Welcome to Episode 2! This time Ron’s got 6 articles to foist on John-Michael. We talk Demagnetizers, Virtual Sports, the ‘oldest language’ debate, ventilators, the 5S method, and No-Till Farming. Enjoy, and see you in episode 3!

This week’s links and show notes!

From Memoria Technica: Now That’s a Demagnetizer!

From USAToday: Day 12 without sports : Virtual sports are better than no sports at all

From Yahoo! News: Doctors rethinking coronavirus: Are we using ventilators the wrong way?

According to Google, a large orange contains 163% of the Vitamin C needed in a 2,000 calorie diet. So maybe one orange slice isn’t enough. But we get Vitamin C from a lot of different fruits and vegetables, and most people with a healthy diet get all the Vitamin C they need for the day. But don’t trust me on this one. Talk to your doctors, folks.

From Kurzgesagt: The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do

From Time: Why Your Doctor Probably Has a “Do Not Resuscitate” Order

From The Week: Tamil or Sanskrit? PM Modi revives ‘oldest language’ debate

This dragged us into a conversation about the Modi regime in India and its direct conflict with the Indian Muslim population. The Conversation has an interesting article on the subject.

From Chron.com: How to apply the 5S methodology

From Growing Market: Worm-till — how to use cardboard and occultation instead of tillage

The beginning of a river is called ‘the headwaters’.

From Gizmodo: What Happens When You Send a Spider to Space

Unfortunately (fortunately?) you can’t make two earthworms by cutting one in half. The head can grow a new body, but the body cannot grow a new head.

Our intermission song was Slip Slidin’ by Voodoohead.

And 6Nothing’s theme song is the Township Two-Step by Brazzmatazz, both songs used under a creative commons licence.

6Nothings – Convincing Earthworms to Till Soil for Fun & Profit

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